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How to connect and setup DJ controller?

black dj controller turned on in dim light room

For people who are starting out, connecting DJ controller to audio systems and to the computer and software maybe quite daunting.

Connect your controller to audio systems

In terms of connecting your DJ controller to an audio system, you will need to follow these general steps:

  1. Identify the audio outputs on your DJ controller. Typically, DJ controllers will have RCA, XLR, or TRS outputs.
    Master and booth outputs are two different types of outputs that you may find on a DJ mixer or controller. The master output is the main output, which is typically connected to the PA system or other main speakers in the room. The booth output, on the other hand, is a secondary output that is typically connected to a monitor or set of speakers that the DJ can use to hear the mix and make adjustments.
    The main difference between the master and booth outputs is that the master output is typically a balanced output, while the booth output is an unbalanced output. A balanced output is designed to reduce noise and interference by using two signals that are equal in amplitude, but opposite in polarity. The signals are then combined in a balanced output, which cancels out any noise or interference that may be present.
    The choice of whether to use a balanced or unbalanced output will depend on a number of factors, including the quality of the equipment, the length of the cables, and the amount of noise and interference in the environment. In general, if you’re using high-quality equipment and running cables over a long distance, it’s a good idea to use balanced outputs whenever possible, as this will help reduce noise and interference and give you a cleaner, clearer sound. However, if you’re only running cables over a short distance and the environment is relatively quiet, an unbalanced output may be sufficient.
  2. Identify the audio inputs on your audio system. This can vary depending on the system, but commonly used inputs include RCA, XLR, or TRS inputs.
  3. Connect the audio output of your DJ controller to the audio input of your audio system using the appropriate cables. Make sure to use high-quality cables that are appropriate for your equipment. This will help ensure that you get the best possible sound quality and reduce the risk of any issues with the connection.
    Several tips:
    • Check the levels on your audio system before you start playing music. You want to make sure that you’re not sending a signal that’s too hot or too weak, which can cause distortion or other issues. Adjust the levels on your DJ controller and audio system as needed to get a clean, balanced signal.
    • If you’re using an external mixer, connect the outputs of your DJ controller to the inputs of the mixer, and then connect the outputs of the mixer to the inputs of your audio system. This can help you achieve a better sound and more control over your levels.
    • If you’re using a PA system, make sure to connect your DJ controller to a mixer or amplifier first, and then connect that to the PA system. This will give you more control over your levels and help you get the best possible sound quality

4. Adjust the levels and settings on your audio system to ensure that you’re getting the appropriate levels and sound quality.
5. Test your setup by playing some music and making sure that the audio is coming through the audio system as expected. Always test your setup before you start performing or recording. Make sure that
everything is working as expected and that you’re getting the sound quality you want. If you’re having any issues, troubleshoot them before you start playing music.

a person working on a laptop

Connect your controller to computer and software

Although connecting and setting up a DJ controller may vary depending on the specific model of the controller and the software you’re using, in general, you can follow these steps:

  1. Connect the DJ controller to your computer or laptop using a USB cable.
  2. Install the drivers and software that come with the controller. This is usually done through a setup wizard that guides you through the process. Make sure that you have the latest version of the software installed, as this will help ensure that your DJ controller is fully supported and that you can take advantage of any new features or improvements.
  3. Open your DJ software, such as Serato, Traktor, or Virtual DJ.
  4. In the software, go to the settings or preferences menu and select the MIDI/Controllers tab.
    Make sure to familiarize yourself with the different settings and preferences in the software, as these can have a big impact on your DJing experience. Take some time to experiment with different settings and see how they affect the sound and feel of your mixes.
  5. Choose your DJ controller from the list of available devices and select it as your primary MIDI controller.
  6. Map the buttons and knobs on your controller to the various functions in the software. This can usually be done by clicking on a function in the software and then pressing the corresponding button or knob on your controller.
    Some software programs may require you to manually map the buttons and knobs on your DJ controller to the various functions in the software. If this is the case, be sure to carefully read the instructions and take your time mapping everything correctly. This can take some trial and error, so don’t get discouraged if it takes a few attempts to get everything set up the way you want it.
  7. Be sure to calibrate your DJ controller before you start using it with the software. This will ensure that everything is working properly and that you’re getting accurate readings from your controller’s knobs, faders, and other controls.
  8. Test your setup by playing some music and trying out the various functions on your controller. Make sure that everything is working as expected and make adjustments as necessary.


In conclusion, connecting and setting up a DJ controller can be a relatively straightforward process, but it’s important to follow the instructions carefully and take your time to ensure that everything is working properly. When connecting your DJ controller to an audio system, use high-quality cables and adjust the levels and settings as needed to get the best sound quality. When connecting your DJ controller to software, make sure that you have the latest version of the software installed, and take the time to map the buttons and knobs on your controller to the various functions in the software. Be sure to calibrate your controller and familiarize yourself with the different settings and preferences in the software. Finally, always test your setup before you start performing or recording to make sure that everything is working as expected.