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Apa itu PAR Fixture?

Judul: Apa itu Perlengkapan PAR? Panduan Komprehensif Dalam dunia pencahayaan panggung, terdapat banyak jenis perlengkapan, masing-masing dengan karakteristik dan penerapannya yang unik. Salah satu perlengkapan tersebut adalah perlengkapan PAR (Parabolic Aluminized...

What is a PAR fixture?

Title: What is a PAR Fixture? A Comprehensive Guide In the world of stage lighting, there are many types of fixtures, each with its unique characteristics and applications. One such fixture is the PAR (Parabolic Aluminized Reflector) fixture, which is widely used for...
What is VJ (Video Jockey)?

What is VJ (Video Jockey)?

Background A Video Jockey (VJ) is a person who hosts a television show that plays music videos, similar to a disc jockey (DJ) who plays music on the radio. VJs became popular in the 1980s with the rise of music video programming on cable TV channels like MTV, and they...
Penjelasan mengenai scent machine

Penjelasan mengenai scent machine

Mesin pengharum adalah mesin efek khusus yang dirancang untuk memancarkan aroma atau wewangian ke dalam ruangan atau lingkungan untuk menciptakan suasana, suasana hati, atau pengalaman sensorik tertentu. Mereka sering digunakan di taman hiburan, toko ritel, tempat...
Penjelasan mengenai scent machine

Scent machines explained

Scent machines are special effects machines that are designed to emit scents or fragrances into a room or environment to create a particular ambiance, mood or sensory experience. They are often used in theme parks, retail stores, hospitality and entertainment venues,...
Penjelasan mengenai mesin confetti

Penjelasan mengenai mesin confetti

Confetti adalah potongan kecil kertas berwarna, bahan logam, atau bahan ringan lainnya yang dilempar, disebarkan, atau dilepaskan ke udara selama acara atau acara khusus, sering kali untuk tujuan perayaan. Ini adalah cara yang populer dan meriah untuk menambahkan efek...
Penjelasan mengenai mesin confetti

Confetti machines explained

Confetti is small pieces of colored paper, metallic material, or other lightweight materials that are thrown, scattered or released in the air during special occasions or events, often for celebratory purposes. It is a popular and festive way to add a visually...