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Penjelasan mengenai bubble machine

Bubble machines explained

Bubble machines are special effects machines that create a stream of bubbles, often used in various events such as parties, concerts, and theatrical productions. They are designed to add a playful and whimsical atmosphere to an event and can be used to enhance visual...
Penjelasan mengenai snow machine

Penjelasan mengenai snow machine

Mesin salju adalah mesin efek khusus yang menghasilkan salju buatan untuk produksi teater, acara liburan, atau acara bertema lainnya. Mereka dirancang untuk menciptakan suasana magis dan musim dingin dan dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan efek visual dan menciptakan...
Penjelasan mengenai snow machine

Snow machines explained

Snow machines are special effects machines that create artificial snow for theatrical productions, holiday events, or other themed events. They are designed to create a magical and wintery atmosphere and can be used to enhance the visual effects and create a unique...
Penjelasan mengenai mesin fog dan haze

Fog and Haze machines explained

Fog and haze machines are commonly used in theatrical productions, concerts, and events to enhance the visual and atmospheric effects of the performance. These machines are designed to create a cloud of fog or a fine mist that can enhance the lighting and create a...

Pemahaman dasar tentang ligthing tiga titik

Pencahayaan tiga titik adalah teknik pencahayaan dasar yang digunakan dalam fotografi, film, dan produksi video. Ini melibatkan penempatan tiga sumber cahaya untuk memberikan penerangan pada subjek dengan cara yang menonjolkan fitur-fiturnya dan menciptakan kesan...
What is a Reflector?

What is a Reflector?

A reflector is a tool used in photography and videography that helps to diffuse and bounce light sources in order to create evenly lit objects and spaces, and reduce shadow intensity. It is typically a flat, lightweight, and portable panel made of a reflective...